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Mostrando las entradas de julio, 2021

Portfolio Entry # 18: There is / There are

There is y There are se utilizan para describir lo que hay o no en un lugar. Implican existencia. THERE IS se utiliza para decir que hay una sola cosa u objeto (Singular) y THERE ARE se utiliza para decir que hay varias cosas u objetos (Plural). Para ver màs en profundidad este tema y sus formas, accedan al siguiente video.Click aquí . 

Portfolio Entry # 17 : Vocabulary - Furniture

  In the following video, there is an explanation about this topic. I hope you find it useful. Thanks for watching! Click here to watch it!

Portfolio Entry # 16 : Vocabulary - Parts of the House

  Click here to watch the video about this topic.

Portfolio Entry #15 : Vocabulary - Adjectives to describe Feelings


Portfolio Entry #14 : This - That / These - Those

 Watch this vidio in order to know about these grammatical structures. Just click here !