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Portfolio Entry # 4: The Present Perfect Simple Tense



·         Unfinished Actions - Acciones que no se han finalizado.
We use this tense when we want to talk about unfinished actions or states or habits that started in the past and continue to the present. Usually, we use it to say 'how long' and we need 'since' or 'for'. We often use stative verbs. ( Usamos este tiempo verbal cuando nos referimos a acciones que han comenzado en un pasado pero aún continúan en el presente. Palabras como "How long" , since o for aparecen en este tiempo)

I've known Karen since 1994.
She's lived in London for three years.
I've worked here for six months.

SINCE AND FOR - Desde y por

A . We use 'since' with a fixed time in the past (2004, April 23rd, last year). The fixed time can be another action, which is in the past simple (since I was at school since I arrived). Utilizamos since (desde) en los siguientes casos:
I've known Sam since 1992.
I've liked chocolate since I was a child.
She's been here since 2 pm.

B. We use 'for' with a period of time (2 hours, three years, six months). Usamos "For" (por) con un periodo de tiempo como en los siguientes ejemplos:
I've known Julie for ten years.
I've been hungry for hours.
She's had a cold for a week.

·         Finished Actions -  Accions finalizadas, experiencias.
Life experience. These are actions or events that happened sometime during a person's life. We don't say when the experience happened. We often use the words 'ever' and 'never' here. (Eventos que son parte de la experiencia en la vida de una persona sin decir el momento exacto en el cual ocurrir)
I have been to Tokyo.
     They have visited Paris three times.
     We have never seen that film.
·     A finished action with a result in the present (focus on the result). Acciones finalizadas con un resultado en el presente, se focaliza el resultado.
We often use the present perfect to talk about something that happened in the recent past, but that is still true or important now.  (Utilizamos este tiempo verbal para hablar de sobre algo que ocurrió en un pasado rciente pero tiene efecto o influye en nuestro presente)

      I've lost my keys (so I can't get into my house).
     She's hurt her leg (so she can't play tennis today).
     They've missed the bus (so they will be late).

    We often use the words 'just / yet / already / recently
     I haven`t finished my homework yet.
      I've just seen Lucy.
I have already seen that movie.

     2. FORM - Formas

·         AFFIRMATIVE - Afirmativa
·         'have' / 'has' + the past participle
·         Make the past participle by adding 'ed' to regular verbs (for example, 'play' becomes 'played')
·         There are a few verbs that change their spelling when you add 'ed' (for example, 'study' becomes 'studied')

have played
I've played
you have worked
you've worked
he has written
he's written
she has walked
she's walked
it has rained
it's rained

·         NEGATIVE - Negativo
The negative is really simple too. Just put 'not' after 'have' or 'has':
Negative Short Form
have not eaten breakfast today
I haven't eaten
you have not been to Asia
you haven't been
he has not seen the new film
he hasn't seen
she has not played tennis
she hasn't played
it has not snowed this winter
it hasn't snowed
we have not slept all night
we haven't slept
they have not tried the food
they haven't tried

·         QUESTIONS - Preguntas 
To make a question, put 'have' or 'has' in front of the subject:
'Yes / No' Questions
have I missed the bus?
have you visited London?
has he worked as a waiter before?
has she met John?
has it been cold this week?
have we arrived too early?
have they studied English grammar before?

As you can imagine, for 'wh' questions, we just put the question word before 'have' or 'has':
'Wh' Questions
where have I left my umbrella?
what have you done today?
why has he gone already?
where has she been in the UK?
why has it rained so much this summer?
what have we done?
where have they learned English before?

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