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Portfolio Entry # 8: Talking about the future



When we know about the future, we normally use the present tense.

1. We use the present simple for something scheduled: (Utilizamos Presente simple para algo programado,pautado, horarios, etc)

We have a lesson next Monday.
The train arrives at 6.30 in the morning.
The holidays start next week.
It's my birthday tomorrow.

2. We can use the present continuous for plans or arrangements: (Utilizamos Presente Continuo para planes y acuerdos)

I'm playing football tomorrow.
They are coming to see us tomorrow.
We're having a party at Christmas.

3. We use will:

  •          when we express beliefs about the future:  

It will be a nice day tomorrow.
I think Brazil will win the World Cup.
I'm sure you will enjoy the film.

  •          to mean want to or be willing to:.

George says he will help us.

  •          to make offers and promises : (Hacer ofertas o prometer algo)

I'll see you tomorrow.
We'll send you an email.

  •          to talk about offers and promises: (Hablar de ofertas y promesas)

Tim will be at the meeting.
Mary will help with the cooking.

4. We use be going to:

  •          to talk about plans or intentions: (Planes e intenciones)

I'm going to drive to work today.
They are going to move to Manchester.

  •          to make predictions based on evidence we can see: (Hacer predicciones en base a una evidencia)

Be careful! You are going to fall(= I can see that you might fall.)
Look at those black clouds. I think it's going to rain(= I can see that it will rain.)

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