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Portfolio Entry # 21 : Prepositions


Hay una gran variedad de preposiciones. Vamos a empezar con las 3 más comunes. Luego, iremos agregando más. A continuación les dejo una lista y ejemplos de dichas preposiciones. 

1. IN se utiliza para:

-        -  Months: in January / in April.

-       -  Seasons: in spring / in winter.

-       -  Years: in 1984 / in 2015.

-       -  Centuries: in the 20th century.

-      -   Parts of day: in the morning / in the evening.

-       -  Longer periods of time: in the past / in the 1990s / in the holidays.

2. ON se utiliza para:

-        -  Days of the week: on Monday.

-        -  Days + parts of days: on Tuesday afternoon / on Saturday mornings.

-        -  Dates: on November 22nd.

-        -  Special days: on my birthday / on New Year’s Eve.

3. AT se utiliza para:

-       -   Clock time: at 7.30 a.m. / at 5 o’clock

-        - Festivals: at Christmas 

-       -   Exceptions: at night / at the weekend.

-       -   Specific location: At the store, at the café.


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