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Portfolio Entry #22: Textures (Adjectives)


Hay una gran variedad de adjetivos para expresar las texturas de los objetos, animales etc. A continuación les dejo las más comunes, ya que existe una gran variedad. Espero que les sean útiles para expandir un poco nuestro vocabulario. Por último encontraran unos ejemplos de los mismos. 

  • FLUFFY: covered with very soft hair or feathers. Cubierto con pelo muy suave o plumas. E.g: Fluffy kittens.
  • JAGGED: a jagged surface or edge has a lot of rough pointed parts that make it look broken or torn. Superficie puntiaguda y áspera, hace que el objeto parezca roto o rasgado. E.g: The jagged rocks of Saint Saviour´s Point. 
  • SMOOTH: completely even with no rough areas or lumps. Completamente uniforme sin áreas ásperas o grumos. E.g: Her skin felt smooth and cool.
  • PRICKLY: covered with sharp points that cut or sting. Cubierto de puntas afiladas que cortan o pican.  E.g: A plant with prickly leaves. 
  • VELVETY: very soft or smooth. Muy suave. E.g: The velvety texture of her skin. 
  • FOAMY: consisting of or covered with foam (a lot of bubbles) Cubierto de espuma o burbujas.
  • DRY: something that is dry has no water in it or on it. Algo que está seco. E.g: Make sure that the surface is clean and dry before you start to paint. 
  • SHARP: a sharp object has an edge that can cut or an end that is pointed. Afilado. E.g: Cut the melon in half using a sharp knife.  
  • COARSE: a coarse substance or surface feels rough and hard. Una sustancia o superficie que es áspera y dura. E.g: The coarse outer leaves of the cabbage.
  • SLIMY: covered with a thick wet unpleasant substance. Cubierto con una sustancia espesa y desagradable. E.g: Slimy mud.
  • ROUGH: with a surface with is not smooth. Una superficie que no es lisa. E.g: The walls were built of dark rough stone.

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Portfolio Entry # 6 - Past Continuous Tense

MEANING, USE & FORM 1. MEANING AND USE  * The past continuous shows us that the action was already in progress at a certain time in the past. What were you doing at 8 p.m. last night? I was studying. This means that I started studying before 8 p.m. and I continued after 8 p.m. * The past continuous can also show that activity was in progress for some time, not just for a moment. We were cleaning the house all morning. 2. FORM   We make the past continuous with  was  or  were  and the - ing  form of the verb. AFFIRMATIVE  STRUCTURE :  PRONOUN + WAS (HE - SHE - IT)   +  VERB -ING                                                   WERE (YOU - WE - THEY)  + VER -ING  She couldn't come to the party. She was working. Three years ago, we were living in my home town. NEGATIVE  STRUCTURE:        PRONOUN + WAS NOT (WASN´T) + VERB -ING                                PRONOUN + WERE NOT (WEREN´T) + VERB -ING  I tried to give him some advice, b

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 Hello there! Here it is a video about the verb to be in the past form. Have a look at it! Click here to watch it! I hope you find it useful. 

Portfolio Entry #27: First Conditional

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